Talk vs Action

ImageI can sit here and write all about my big Exception but what is the point if October 4th comes and I am not where I need to be to set in motions the events that need to happen to get to it?

Sometimes talk is cheap.
Other times, it may cost you alot of money.

Either way, last night I took action and made the final step to make sure that I’ll be where I need to be come October 4th.

Hows walk comparing to your talk, which one do you do more?



ImageLast night I had a dream about the Big Exception, and you know what – I didnt make it! I stuck to my Life’s Rule. But that was just a dream, maybe I didnt make the big jump because I wasnt ready…

One thing that I’ve learned through this countdown (it began for me many weeks ago) is the art of preparation. I say ART because really, it takes some sort of creativity with planning and perfect execution to make it come true. 

By preparing I become more aware of my decisions and where my life is heading. Its been said that if you dont know where you are going then you will never know when you get there. I know where I am going but I must take steps towards that direction. 

Preparation must be in three areas; physical, emotional & spiritual. Some days I devote more time to one of those areas but overall, I am seeing how everything is coming together. Slowly. 

So I’m wondering, do you prepare for life, if so, how?

Words are Powerful

I follow an amazing and passionate blogger, Scott Dinsmore, who has dedicated his life to help others do the work that they love. Each post leaves me feeling as if I am on top of the world.
He has a way to validate my ideas and dreams. His words are pure energy to my brain and I swear that after visiting his blog, I feel invincible.

Today I was reading his latest post: 74 Unconventional Stories, Ideas & Beliefs for Making an Unforgettable Impact in a Conventional World (#WDS 2012) and it was encouraging me to take my dreams and just ship them. Just do them.

That’s when it hit me …

Words are powerful.

I am lucky enough to have a passion for reading and learning. And also, I feel extremely blessed to have access to works, thoughts, and teachings of great minds like Seth Godin, Leo Babauta, Simon Sinek, and others. Their words and actions really inspire me.

So I want to encourage you. Know the power of the words you read, hear or feel.
Be conscious of whats influencing you and how. Know also the power of your own words. Are they to encourage, to help, to give?

I believe we can all improve the quality of our lives this way.

Btw, check out Scott’s blog Live your Legend



I’ve heard people say “life is too complicated” but I see life quite the opposite “its freaking simple”. The law of cause & effect makes it so darn simple – Do you want to have more money? spend less than what you earn. Do you want you lose weight? Eat less and exercise more. Do you want to be happy? Focus on giving to others than on getting for yourself. Do you want to have a partner? Go out and look for him/her. And so on…

 What I believe to be complicated in life is doing what we need to do to get the right outcome. THAT’S CALLED MAKING THE RIGHT DECISION. THAT’S CALLED HARD WORK. But it is very rewarding.

 Often times though we take the easy road and end up making really bad decisions. Don’t despair, life is not over. You can always get back on track but it will be harder work.

One of my favorite sayings is  “A year from now you will wish you had started today”. Theres nothing more constant than the sun, so trust me, that year WILL COME and along with it will be the benefits of the decisions you make TODAY. Whether good or bad, if you are alive for March 26, 2013 – You wil be living with the outcome of today’s decisions. So take a moment today and ask yourself, DO I WANT A BETTER TOMORROW BY WORKING HARD TODAY? OR DO I WANT A COMPLICATED TOMORROW BY TAKING THE EASY WAY OUT RIGHT NOW?

 Life is meant to be lived. So lived it well. #HARDWORK #WISDOM


Often times we come across great advice, ideas, tips that might help us improve or even change our lives but we forget too quickly about them. And so we let the momentum of a wise word simmer and go to the back of our mind without causing an impact. That’s why its so important to REMEMBER.

REMEMBER a universal truth (value)
REMEMBER your non-negotiables (principle)
REMEMBER your dream (goal)

As humans we tend to forget too quickly so the best way to learn how to REMEMBER is to constantly keep these things in our mind. A practical and easy way to do it is to get a 5×5 card , write down KEY WORDS that remind you of a goal, principle, value, advice, ideam,etc, and carry it with you so you can be constantly reminded & guided..

 For example, if I want to remember my purpose in life I write, QOL & SDG. That’s it. It’s short and simple but those 6 letters mean the world to me and have the power to change the direction of any decision I am about to take  (I should get them tattooed). And because we are now in a more modern world, remembering has never been easier. We can HASHTAG our values “Today is a great day! #Gratitude”, We can also share with others our goals “I am running a 5k in two weeks”. Or take a picture that reminds us about something that we don’t want to forget.

So I implore to you, realize that we are humans and forgetfulness is in our DNA, however, with a little effort we can take in the wisdom around us and have a better Quality of Life.  #REMEMBER.

12 So I will always remind you of these things, even though you know them and are firmly established in the truth you now have. 13 I think it is right to refresh your memory… 2 Peter 1:12-13

Why I am not buying the new Iphone 4S

I am an apple person.

It all began with the creation of ITUNES — freaking genius when they decided to give us songs not albums. Right now as I type I am listening to a playlist composed of The Holiday & Darjeeling Limited’s soundtracks, Electrotango and two songs of Jeff Buckley. Each song has been carefully selected (and paid in full) to inspired and get my writing juices flowing.

I am also writing on my MacBook Pro (with its awesome orange cover). Its way faster and better to look & use than any laptop out there.

Next to me is my ipad nano which I bought this weekend JUST BECAUSE I want to start running. I have my playlist ready and all that I need to do is strap it on my wrist and get going. I’ve been going to the gym but been finding hard to stick to cardio for more than 10 mins because I get bored easily, so I KNOW that this lil’ guy will HELP me stick to my fitness goals and plus I got an orange one with a white wristband – Im gonna be fit AND stylish too.

Just now, I got a facebook notification on my Iphone 4. I cant even begin to describe how much I use/need/want this phone in my life. Apple has really improved my daily tasks overall BUT I AM NOT GETTING THE NEW IPHONE 4S.


Because I dont care for a dual processor nor a split on the antenna. See, every Apple product that has come out, from the first macintosh up to the Iphone 4, Apple has been successful at communicating its use and its efficiency in our lives. I am afraid and sad to say that it failed to do so with the Iphone 4S. I am not an engineer nor a tech savvy person so when Apple comes out and says IT HAS A DUAL PROCESSOR! my reaction is “blank stare”. Honestly, with the new IOS system on my perfectly fine Iphone 4 I dont see the nedd to buy the 4S (even though the S could potentially stand for Shaq).

Until I understand HOW its going to benefit me, I dont want nor care for that phone.

The same goes with everything in life – we need to learn to understand the needs of others. People will buy your product and/or services when they can feel that what you have to offer will help them.

Why I Work Out

I began working out for two main reasons.

The first one was for my health. I have a hormonal imbalance problem and the best way to keep this in check is by reducing my stress level and working out.

The second was for a personal goal. On 11.11.11 I want to be on the top of a high mountain so for that I need to get in good shape.

Those WERE the reasons I started working out but now my hormones are balanced (lol) and I’m actually going to be in Bolivia for 11.11.11 so I dont need to climb any big mountain anymore. So what keeps me going?


Not the belief that it is good for me, but the belief that my trainer has in me every time I go for a workout. He makes me do some crazy and hard stuff, for the most part I think he is the crazy one for making me do it. I always swear that one day I’m going to collapse on a push up or fall off from the ball (that hasnt happened yet). He keeps pushing me to my limit because he thinks I can do it and THAT energizes me.

My whole point with this is the following, there’s an unexplainable energy that comes when someone (specially an expert in their field) believes in you. So take this as a two way street. Who needs your belief? And… are you surrounded by people who believe in you?

I hope you can answer these two questions this week and feel the energy that comes from it.

One more thing.. I do believe in you.


I’ve been reading alot lately.

Mother Theresa
Nelson Mandela
Seth Godin
John C Maxwell
Peter Rollins
Dr. Tim Elmore
blogs, news, twitter

They make up my week and give me useful information on life, leadership, love, wisdom, philosophy, God, time management, etc.
I REALLY enjoy analyzing and dissecting every single principle & it’s application. My life has been enriched, theres no doubt. But sometimes I feel like Solomon “MEANINGLESS…EVERYTHING IS MEANINGLESS”. Sometimes I feel I get an overload and it just doesnt make sense anymore. I’m feeding my intellectual brain but starving my soul, my heart — the part in me that needs relationships, touch and a good laugh.

I am reminded of Matthew 16:26

What good will it be for a man if he gains the whole world, yet forfeits his soul? Or what can a man give in exchange for his soul?

I try hard to find the balance, to put down the book when I feel that my soul is crying. Society tells you to continue, to hustle, and it actually rewards those who have spent most of their lives with their noses between textbooks. If you have a brilliant mind, by all means, get a freaking PhD. But if you are like me – with an average mind – learn from the cry of my soul and put down your ambitions to gain back your soul. What good will it be if you obtained the highest honor an intellectual/business leader/entrepreneur/[insert your own ambition here] gets but end up without a family, without friends, without love, without wrinkles in your face caused by laughter… and even worse, without being at peace with your Maker?

The Father who Failed

There was once a brilliant man who had a remarkable worked ethic. Since his youth whatever he did was with excellence, so it was no surprise that the company he began grew in number and fortune. This man had a wife and 3 sons. His sons enjoyed growing up in the “family business” but each had a distinct personality. The man was mightly proud of each one of them and encouraged their independence.  The company knew nothing but success, however,  at the age of 45, this man made a risky move and partnered with another successful person. The partnership began as a good thing but in two years they realized that they were different. The man worked hard and his standard of excellence was set up very high. The other successful man rode off the successes of others and barely had an original thought, less a good working ethic. After 8 years of partnership and having lost alot of the company’s fortune, both men decided it was time to part ways.

The man, the father,  had failed.

He had made a risk and bold moved that made him lose half of his fortune. His sons, all grown up and in college, knew that their father didnt have the energy nor the time to start from zero. So they came back home. One by one began to work along side their father. Through trial and error, they began to polish each other’s character. Through perseverance and lessons from the past, they stirred the company into a new era. Thankfully, the foundation that was laid was a good one, so it was only a matter of time when they began to see the fruit of their hard work. The sons, as independent as they were, understood the culture of the company and with their father’s guidance each became successful. The father had failed in business but succeeded in what mattered the most; passing the baton of greatness, hard work, integrity and honesty to his 3 sons.

What would had happened if the father had never taken a risk? Maybe he would have never known failure and he would have died a successful business man. But also, he wouldnt have been able to teach his sons through his example and guidance the true character of a successful person.


It’s been long since I posted in here.
I really havent had something meaningful to write and I refuse to waste mine or anyone else’s time, so I rather keep quiet. However, today is different. Today I want to write my first of many manifestos.

Today I want to fail.

I want to fail because it would mean that I am doing something.
I want to fail because it would mean that I am learning.
I want to fail because I want to move on.

I’ve had many projects on my plate and its been taking a long time to get it off to a start because I’ve been so careful in planning each step. But now that those steps are set in place, its time to put them into motion. I know I will fail at some point, and when that happens GOOD. I will learn and move on. I guess failing will be my measuring stick. When I fail, I know I am moving forward. Keyword: MOVING. So let’s start failing.